Saturday, August 11, 2007

Quick Financial standings.

I am indeed 16 years old as of last Wednesday August 1st! I am going to post my current financial standing to the best of my knowledget.

Mutual Funds - $1600+ <-- not exactly sure
Savings Account - $1500
Checkings Account- $243.02
Wallet- $424
Total +______
Not Much X_X $3767.02

Comment/Ask Questions away!

I plan on a new cellphone and camera purchase in the immediate future.
I actually already bought the camera, but will post it tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Intro w00t

This blog is for the purpose of my finances. That includes and is not limited too, work, eBay, money making schemes, scams (hopefully not too many), and all the entrepreneurial goodies I can come up with. Looking forward to having a nice blog :)